Builds in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin are recommended sets of stats put together by a combination of Jobs (Classes), AffinitiesWeaponsArmor, Abilities and more. This page contains builds created by the Fextralife Team, as well as some builds that are contributed by the Fextralife community. This build guide provides an idea for players to start with to be able to create the best-suited build for them. Many builds listed will consist of post-game, Chaos difficulty builds subject to change as patches continue to adjust aspects of the game. Several build names may consist of 

 EDIT: Please note as of Patch 1.11 on July 19, 2022, many of the builds below no longer function and will need to be revised to reflect the patch.

Stranger of Paradise Builds


Weak Spot Specialist


A Duelist job with Assassin 400, Cyclic Warrior 250, Ninja 250, and Duelist 160 using Chaosbringer, Magic Regen, Invisible, and spamming Weak Spot on the enemy.


As of patch 1.03, an overkill build that can end a phase of a boss fight within several seconds of the enemy becoming attackable. The Duelist can buff up with Chaosbringer, Magic Regen, Invisible, third command if desired (e.g. Lunatic), then proceed to use Weak Spot on the enemy. Weak Spot will critical hit the enemy from any direction. While Weak Spot can also be assigned to the first weapon link or the side link for a bonus critical effect, the goal of this build is to use Weak Spot repeatedly as quickly as possible.

  • Duelist job as the primary job for the Weak Spot job action.
  • Mastery Points invested in Agility, Ability Break Damage, Critical Break Damage Dealt*, Lightbringer Duration, Critical MP Recovery, and Buff Duration at a minimum
  • Align job affinities to promote break damage dealt and max break gauge damage dealt such as:
    • (Core) Assassin Affinity 400% to increase break damage dealt the longer the player avoids damage (even standing around)
    • (Core) Cyclic Warrior Affinity 250% to Fearless Soul to gradually increase MP limit when MP limit is below 200 such as after using Chaosbringer and for Stranger Bonus I and II to increase damage dealt to the enemy's max break gauge by abilities.
    • (Core) Duelist Affinity 160% for Critical Bonus I and II to increase critical break damage dealt, plus a little extra agility
    • (Core) Ninja Affinity 250% for Fatal Blow to cause critical hits to reduce the enemy's max break gauge.
    • Mage 120% for Skill Attack Bonus I and II for increased ability break damage dealt
    • Paladin 120% for Vigor Bonus I and II for increased break damage dealt when HP is at max
    • Ronin 120% for Slash Attack Bonus I and II for increased slash break damage dealt.
  • Command abilities such as:
    • (Core) Magic Regen to recover MP after using Chaosbringer
    • (Core) Invisible to enhance critical bonus
    • Lunatic to increase attack speed and reuse Weak Spot sooner
  • Gear smithing effects to promote break damage dealt whether via agility or break damage dealt directly such as:
    • Agility
    • During Lightbringer: Break Damage Dealt
    • Critical Break Damage Dealt


Lance Hurl Specialist


Lancer job, stack various types of Break Damage Dealt, invest in Soul Burst MP Recovery. Use MP Regen to start and with excess max MP. Spam Lance Hurl on weaker enemies first.


A Lancer specializing in Lance Hurl and clearing the field of lesser enemies with the intent to avoid melee combat. The Lancer can use Magic Regen to have regain enough MP to start battles off with Lance Hurl. Once the first enemy is defeated, the influx of MP will allow the Lancer to continue to Lance Hurl with excess MP for other buffs such as Reinforce, to charge Lance Hurl even quicker, or Summon Tachi, to increase the damage dealt and break damage dealt against stronger enemies. Before the Lancer reaches 6 MP, consider using MP Regen to help the flow of Lance Hurls, particularly against stronger enemies.

For faster enemies such as bats or wolves, the Lancer may have to throw an uncharged Lance Hurl or swap out either Reinforce or Summon Tachi for the Invisible command ability to reduce the probability of being targeted. The Lancer may still be effective against bosses that have multiple body parts to attack.

  • Lancer job as the primary job for Lance Hurl
  • Lancer Mastery Points invested in Strength > Agility, Ability Break Damage Dealt and Charged Attack Break Damage Dealt, Soul Burst: MP Recovery, Action Ability MP Cost and Buff Duration
  • Align Job Affinities to promote break damage dealt and managing MP such as:
    • (Core) Breaker 120% for Soul Burst Bonus II for increased MP restored with a successful soul burst
    • Marauder 120% for Charged Attack Bonus I and II for increased charged attack break damage dealt 
    • Paladin 120% for Vigor Bonus I and II for increased break damage dealt when HP is at max
    • Lancer 120% for Thrust Attack Bonus I and II for increased piercing break damage dealt
    • Mage 120% for Skill Attack Bonus I and II for increased ability break damage dealt
    • Samurai 120% for Ability Cost Bonus I and II to reduce MP casting cost of Lance Hurl
  • Command abilities such as:
    • (Core) Magic Regen, use to get the Lance Hurl started to finish off first enemy and just before reaching max MP
    • Reinforce to speed up the charging speed of Lance Hurl
    • Summon Tachi to increase damage and break damage dealt
    • Invisible, depending on the mission or boss to reduce probability of being targeted and safely Lance Hurl
  • Gear smithing effects consisting of things that primarily promote break damage and/or managing MP such as:
    • Strength
    • Charged Attack Break Damage Dealt
    • Break Damage Dealt
    • Piercing Attack Break Damage Dealt
    • Ability Action MP Cost
    • Soul Burst: MP Recovery Cost

Chaosbringer Lance Hurl Specialist


Lancer job at level 55, Cyclic Warrior 250%, Red Mage 250%, Chaosbringer to Magic Regen to Reinforce, spam Lance Hurls.


Uses Chaosbringer, Magic Regen, use any other buffs as time allows, then start chucking Lance Hurls at enemies with reckless abandon. Run away as needed. Sometimes you may have to throw an uncharged Lance Hurl at an enemy.

  • Lancer job as the primary job for Lance Hurl
  • Lancer Mastery Points invested in Strength, Ability Break Damage Dealt, During Lightbringer: Damage Dealt, Lightbringer Duration, Soul Burst: MP Recovery with leftover Category 3, and Buff Duration
  • Job affinities:
    • (Core) Cyclic Warrior Affinity 250% to restore MP Limit to 200 after using Chaosbringer
    • Red Mage Affinity 250% for Quick Charge to enhance Lance Hurl charging speed
    • Marauder Affinity 120% for Charged Attack Bonus I and II for increased charged attack break damage dealt
    • Paladin Affinity 120% for Vigor Bonus I and II for increased break damage dealt when HP is at max
    • Lancer Affinity 120% for Thrust Attack Bonus I and II for increased piercing break damage dealt
    • Mage Affinity 120% for Skill Attack Bonus I and II for increased ability break damage dealt
  • Command abilities:
    • (Core) Magic Regen to be used after Chaosbringer
    • Reinforce to increase charging speed of Lance Hurl
    • Invisible to avoid being targeted and to hurl in relative peace, plus bonus if you happen to critical hit the enemy
  • Gear smithing effects:
    • Strength
    • During Lightbringer: Break Damage Dealt
    • Lightbringer Duration
    • Piercing Break Damage Dealt
    • Ability Break Damage Dealt


Last Resort Knight Sentinel


Knight job with Dark Knight 400%, Berserker 250%, use Abyss armor set, stack Damage Taken at Max HP and Near Death Damage Taken, use Sentinel throughout combat even before Sentinel runs out. Avoid getting broken.


A face tank build with Knight that can only use a sword + shield or greatsword. The Knight relies on using Sentinel command ability to avoid being staggered and mitigate damage, then stacking enough damage mitigation. The Knight's goal is to generate enough MP to re-use Sentinel before the current Sentinel runs out, while also managing their Break Gauge to avoid being broken (and thus losing Sentinel prematurely). The Knight will also have to be wary of enemies that can dispel or steal buffs such the Mindflayer's Mind Drain.

While this build can be used to a lesser extent without the Dark Knight and Berserker affinities or without the Abyss chest and leg pieces, the amount of damage Sentinel can absorb will be significantly lower.

  • Knight job as the primary job for Max HP Damage Taken
  • Mastery Points invested into Stamina, Damage Taken at Max HP, Near Death: Damage Taken, Break Damage Taken, and either MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks or Critical: MP Recovery if the player can attack enemies from behind consistently
  • (Core) Dark Knight 400% Affinity for Last Resort that activates all Near Death effects at all times
  • (Core) Berserker 250% Affinity for Savage Awakening (Protect and Shell when Near Death) and Break Recovery Bonus (to recover the Break Gauge via dealing damage and stay on the offensive)
  • Bonus if there is room for Red Mage 120% for increased MP recovery rate on normal attacks
  • Bonus if there is room for Monk 120% to increase Break (or whatever combination of Break and Break Damage Taken to avoid the Break Gauge breaking in a single hit from a full Break Gauge)
  • Command abilities consist of:
    • (Core) Sentinel, used at max HP
    • Provoke, to further reduce damage taken and increase the probability of being targeted to rescue allies and also to trigger the Dark Knight's Flames of Rebellion damage bonus while being targeted
  • Gear preference for the Abyss Mail and Abyss Cuirass (the leg armor) due to having Near Death: Damage Taken as an item passive that cannot be smithed as of patch 1.03, with the other Abyss Mask and Abyss Gauntlets offer Near Death: Damage Dealt with item passives that also cannot be smithed, but can help out offensively
  • Gear smithing effects may consist of either damage mitigation effects, additional Break if that is an issue, or effects to manage MP such as:
    • Break
    • Stamina or Spirit (if Abyss set is being used, consider skipping this)
    • All Damage Taken (if Abyss set is being used, consider skipping this)
    • All Break Damage Taken
    • MP Recovery Rate with Normal Attacks

Mantra Knight Sentinel


A face tanking Knight using Monk 400% and Berserker 120%, Mastery Points into HP and Damage Taken at Max HP, using Sentinel, and when MP allows, Provoke.


A face tank build relying on being at Max HP with Sentinel to persist through the damage. As a Knight, the player is limited to sword + shields and greatswords. The Knight will need to generate enough MP before their Sentinel command runs out. Coupled with Provoke, the Knight can keep sustain even more damage before the Sentinel buff is depleted. The knight will still need to avoid poison or enemies that can steal debuffs.

An example, a dragon might use an unblockable deadly stomp on a caster for 2500 damage. This knight at max HP might take around 900 damage from the same attack before Provoke is up or 650 damage when Provoke is up. Coupled with Sentinel, this knight will have the benefits of the max HP mitigation while having a temporary 1500~2000 HP  (depending on level and before non-Knight non-Monk affinities or smithing effects are factored in). Allowing this Knight to sustain the equivalent of three deadly stomps before needing to refresh Sentinel.

  • Equipping the Knight job
  • Mastery points invested into Damage Taken at Max HP, Break Damage Taken, Max HP, and Increased MP Recovery on Normal Attacks
  • Affinities to promote additional HP, sustain the break gauge, or help with MP management:
    • (Core) Monk affinity 400% for Mantra to increase max HP by 50% and enhance the effectiveness of Sentinel
    • (Core) Berserker affinity 120% to generate break gauge when attacking
    • (Bonus, else see Smithing effects) Paladin affinity 400% for Purifying Light to avoid poison, the HP bonuses, and break damage dealt while at max HP
    • Red Mage affinity 120% to generate more MP on normal attacks
    • Paladin affinity 120% for HP bonuses and break damage dealt while at max HP if 400% cannot be comfortably attained
    • Swordsman 120% for additional HP and damage reduction while attacking
    • Ronin 120% for additional HP and slashing break damage dealt
    • Warrior 80% for additional HP
  • Command abilities:
    • (Core) Sentinel, creates a barrier equal to 50% of HP and benefits from the knight's damage mitigation
    • (Bonus) Provoke, reduces damage and keeps the enemy focused on the knight
    • Lunatic, to speed up attacks for both damage and MP generation, though some risk if the enemy moves away while you are low on the break gauge
  • Smithing effects generally increasing survivability and MP generation, though a knight may also prefer stacking break damage dealt with Strength as well. On the defensive side:
    • (Bonus) Poison Resistance, up to 100%
    • All Break Damage Taken
    • HP
    • Increased MP Recovery on Normal Attacks


Treasure Hunter Thief


An endgame farming job. Thief 400%, Swordfighter 160%, stack Luck on Mastery Points and gear. Break enemies with your primary job, then switch to Thief before soul bursting the enemy.


An end game farming build meant for the player to switch to Thief just before using a soul burst on an enemy. Increasing Luck and the Thief Affinity 400% will be the primary focus of the build to improve the rarity.

  • Thief job for the job's Drop Rate passives
  • Thief Affinity 400% for Treasure Hunter and Thief's Luck bonus
  • Swordfighter Affinity 160% for a small Luck bonus
  • Thief mastery points invested into Luck and Drop Rate
  • Equip 6 pieces of gear instead of a double slot gear like a Rogue's Jacket, then smith each with Luck (primary) and Drop Rate


Black Mage

Riot Magic Black Mage


A Black Mage using a combination of Seal of Blood and Black Mage 400% to increase max MP limit, with Magic Regen to sustain the casting. This Black Mage relies on magic damage dealt instead of break damage, weakness, status effects, or Chaosbringer. 


The scope of this Black Mage is around the Black Mage 400% Affinity, Riot Magic and the framework below is specifically within that scope. This Black Mage starts off on the slower side until they are closer to 400 to 600 MP.  The Black Mage can start with a Magic Regen, then start to cast elemental magic to help with max MP regeneration. If the Black Mage is unable to reach 3 Max MP before Magic Regen ends, the Black Mage may need to rely on a secondary job, Mage, to assist with MP generation. 

The Mage can start casting to recover up to 200 MP / 2 bars of MP, then can dodge to cancel the spell while recouping the MP. Switch back to the Black Mage for a cast and alternating until the Black Mage is safely above 300 MP.

As the battle progresses, the Black Mage can decide to switch to Mage to refresh buffs at a lower cost with an increased duration or if the Black Mage should ever fall below 200 MP without Magic Regen active to help recover MP. The Black Mage may have some difficulty casting without party members or on mobile bosses such as the Black Knight or the boss of Terra Tortura: The Suffering of Fools that may often ignore the party to target Jack.

  • Choosing the Black Mage job and the Mage job as secondary
  • Black Mage Mastery Points invested toward Intellect, Ability Damage Dealt, Soul Burst: MP Recovery, Increase MP Limit Boost Rate, and Action Ability MP Cost
  • Mage Mastery Points invested toward Buff Duration
  • Affinities for Black Mage that assist with conserving and generating MP or the MP Limit, with any spare affinities going toward increasing Intellect:
    • (Core) Black Mage Affinity 400% for Riot Magic, increasing the MP limit based on magic damage dealt
    • (Bonus) Red Mage Affinity 250% for Quick Charge to reduce casting time
    • Void Knight Affinity 120% for MP Limit Boost I and II to help with Riot Magic's effect
    • Samurai Affinity 120% for Ability Cost Bonus I and II which seems to affect spells just enough to get 7 casts in at 6 MP
    • Breaker Affinity 120% for Soul Burst Bonus I and II when coupled with Seal of Blood to recover MP
  • Affinities for Mage that assist with buffing:
    • Void Knight Affinity 400% for Power of the Void to reduce the cost of command abilities
    • White Mage Affinity 120% for Buff Duration Bonus I and II to help with buff duration
  • Command abilities:
    • (Core) Magic Regen to generate MP and reuse once the Black Mage has 500+ Max MP / 5 bars
    • Seal of Blood to prepare before any Flare or Meteor cast to increase damage, have Riot Magic refund a portion of the MP Limit lost, and soul burst any enemies defeated
    • Reinforce to reduce casting time and shrug off a weaker hit from an enemy that may be in the caster's face
    • Invisible as an alternative to Reinforce when working with A.I. party members and increase the chance of casting safely or just recovering MP quietly as a Mage
  • Smithing effects to promote magic damage and MP management such as:
    • Intellect
    • Magic Damage Dealt
    • Ability Action MP Cost
    • All Damage Dealt
  • Smithing effects for Mage, even if green or purple rarity:
    • Buff Duration

Chaosbringer Black Mage


Black Mage using Cyclic Warrior 250% with Magic Regen, Chaosbringer, and stacking break damage that applies toward their spells such as Flare or Meteor.


The Black Mage uses Chaosbringer, then uses Magic Regen, with other commands such as Reinforce and either Invisible or Seal of Blood. The Black Mage then casts a spell based on the situation such as Meteor on less mobile enemies, Flare for moving enemies that happen to be clumped together, or any other elemental spell such as Waterga or Quakega to damage multiple enemies with a short execution time and not as aim sensitive as Firaga.

As of patch 1.03, this Black Mage focuses on stacking break damage from multiple sources to take out enemies.

  • Black Mage as the primary job
  • Mastery Points invested into Intellect, Ability Break Damage, Lightbringer Duration, and Buff Duration
  • Affinities:
    • (Core) Cyclic Warrior Affinity 250% for Fearless Soul to gradually increase MP limit when MP limit is below 200 and increases damage dealt to the enemy's max break gauge by abilities
    • Assassin Affinity 400% for Final Moments to increase break damage dealt the longer the Black Mage avoids damage
    • Black Mage Affinity 120% for Magic Attack Bonus I and II to increase magic break damage dealt
    • Mage Affinity 120% for Skill Attack Bonus I and II to increase ability break damage dealt which affects magic
    • Paladin Affinity 120% for Vigor Bonus I and II to increase break damage dealt when HP is max HP
  • Command abilities:
    • (Core) Magic Regen to recover MP after using Chaosbringer and while Cyclic Warrior's Fearless Soul is increasing the MP limit
    • Reinforce to reduce casting time
    • Invisible to reduce the probability of being targeted
    • Lunatic to speed up casting and cast animations at the risk of not being able to recover break gauge
    • Alternatively, Seal of Blood to make a Flare or Meteor pack a wallop in between Chaosbringers
  • Smithing effects promoting break damage dealt:
    • Intellect
    • Magic Break Damage Dealt
    • During Lightbringer: Break Damage Dealt

Red Mage

Chaosbringer Red Mage


As of patch 1.03, an overkill build using the Red Mage, Chaosbringer, Magic Regen, command abilities, and Cyclic Warrior 250% to fuel their commands and spells. Casting Haste, then using Chainspell Fire / Blizzard / Thunder III until the phase is over. 


  • Red Mage as the primary job
  • (Variation) Berserker as the secondary job for the Berserk action with Samurai 250% to chain cancel (use Berserk then switch jobs immediately)
  • Red Mage Mastery Points invested toward Intellect, Ability Damage Dealt, Lightbringer Duration, Buff Duration
  • Affinities such as:
    • (Core) Cyclic Warrior Affinity 250% for Fearless Soul that gradually increases MP limit when MP limit is below 200 after using Chaosbringer
    • (Bonus Route 1) Black Mage Affinity 400% for Riot Magic to increase MP limit when dealing magic damage
      • (Route 1 Bonus) Red Mage 250% for Quick Charge to cast higher tier spells quicker
      • (Route 1 Bonus) Void Knight Affinity 120% for MP Limit Bonus I and II to increase boost to MP limit.
    • (Bonus Route 2, Status Accumulation) Red Mage Affinity 400% for Calamitous Magic to increase MP limit and restoring MP when inflicting a status ailment, plus Quick Charge to reduce casting time a little
      • (Route 2 Bonus) Tyrant Affinity 120% for Vulnerability Bonus I and II to accumulate statuses quicker
      • (Route 2 Bonus) Void Knight Affinity 120% for MP Limit Bonus I and II to increase boost to MP limit.
    • (Bonus Route 3, Break Damage) Assassin Affinity 400% for Final Moments to break enemies with fewer casts
      • (Route 3 Bonus) Paladin Affinity 120%, Mage Affinity 120%, and/or Black Mage Affinity 120% to assist with break damage dealt
  • Command Abilities such as:
    • (Core) Magic Regen to restore MP after Chaosbringer OR if using Black 400%, can replace with Lancet though some risk if the player gets hit
    • Invisible to reduce the probability of being targeted
    • Lunatic to speed up the casting animation and the spell wheel
    • Reinforce to reduce casting time between haste and initial elemental spells
    • Divine Sigil to extend the duration of Magic Regen and Haste
  • Smithing effects:
    • Intellect
    • Lightbringer Duration
    • Buff Duration


Last Resort Sentinel Mighty Guard


A face tank build. Use Liberator with Knuckles or Daggers, Dark Knight 400%, Berserker 120%, Sentinel, Provoke, Lunatic, and Liberator's Mighty Guard job action. Bonus if second job is Samurai for Meikyou-Shisui before soul bursting a phase 1 boss or between bosses if a multi-boss mission.


This Liberator favors fast attack weapons such as Knuckles or Daggers. Tactics wise, the Liberator might use Sentinel near the beginning for some damage mitigation. Then try to generate enough MP to use Mighty Guard. Once Mighty Guard + Sentinel + Near Death Damage Taken + Damage Taken at Max HP from Mastery Points is sufficient to face tank most bosses and not be interrupted from unblockable attacks (except grabs) until the Liberator has 2 MP bars to refresh Sentinel. If the Liberator does not need to refresh Sentinel, then the Liberator can use Lunatic to accelerate the number of attacks. As excess MP becomes available, use Provoke to further mitigate damage and reduce the frequency you may have to use Sentinel. As the Liberator's max MP increases, the Liberator will have more room to start using weapon abilities.

When fighting a boss or a series of enemies, when there is a break in combat such as the boss waiting to be soul burst into phase 2, switch to Samurai, use the job action, Meikyou-Shisui, then switch back to Liberator. Re-apply Mighty Guard, soul burst the boss into phase 2, then continue the fight, refreshing Sentinel, Lunatic, and Provoke as needed.

Note: Even though one benefit of Mighty Guard is that the Liberator cannot die with 1 HP remaining, without Sentinel, the Liberator can still get knocked around by unblockable attacks or lose Mighty Guard uptime trying to avoid the attacks. Without the damage mitigation, Sentinel is also not durable enough to prevent the knockdown. Liberators that attempt to benefit from Mighty Guard's 1 HP effect can use the Reinforce command to avoid flinching from normal attacks, but must be weary of unblockables even more and pose some risk when changing to the second job.  

  • Liberator as the primary job for Mighty Guard
  • Consideration for Samurai as the second job for Meikyou-Shisui before a boss phase 2 or as excess MP allows
  • Affinities:
    • (Core) Dark Knight 400% for Last Resort
    • (Core) Berserker 120% for Break Recovery Bonus I and II to generate break gauge when attacking
    • (Bonus) Berserker 250% for Savage Awakening for Protect and Shell that stack with Mighty Guard as of patch 1.03
    • (Bonus) Paladin 400% to avoid negative status effects and additional HP for Sentinel
    • (Bonus) White Mage 120% to extend buff duration of Lunatic and Provoke
    • (Bonus) Swordsman 120% to reduce damage taken while attacking and additional HP for Sentinel
    • (Bonus) Void Knight 400% to reduce command ability cost by 34%
  • Gear:
    • Knuckles or Daggers to attack quickly
    • (Ideal, but not necessary) Abyss Mail and Abyss Cuirass for Near Death Damage Dealt, but not necessary
  • Mastery Points:
    • Near Death: Damage Taken, Max HP: Damage Taken, Near Death: Damage Dealt with leftover points
    • Break Damage Taken, Increased MP Recovery from Normal Attacks, Critical: MP Recovery with leftover
    • Strength
  • Command Abilities:
    • (Core) Sentinel, acts as temporary HP that benefits from damage mitigation effects - but most of all, no flinching from unblockable attacks
    • Lunatic, to increase attack speed
    • Provoke, to further reduce damage and potentially tank the enemy in multiplayer
  • Smithing effects:
    • Gear-specific: Near Death Damage Taken such as Abyss Mail or Abyss Cuirass (Cuisses)
    • Gear-specific: Damage Taken While Attacking such as Dark Mask, Loyalty Cape, Dark Cuirass (Cuisses) / Loyalty Bottoms
    • Poison Resistance up to 100%
    • Some Curse Resistance if planning to face tank through phase 2 Lich
    • Strength
    • If not using Samurai, Increased MP Recovery from Normal Attacks
    • Break Damage Taken, in case you want to face tank rapid hit boss abilities - since once you're staggered, the buffs fall off


Riot Magic Tyrant (Pending)


Tyrant job, Black Mage 400%, Beserker 120%, mastery points for Intellect. Use Enchant action prior to combat, generate enough MP for Lunatic command, then generate MP to use a combo ability such as Knuckles' Falcon Dive on tall targets to quickly build the MP Limit. If using the Lancet command, be prepared to have an MP dump such as Lightbringer or other jobs such as the Black Mage's Meteor.

Absolute Dominion Fatal Blow Tyrant (Pending)


Tyrant job, Tyrant 400%, Ninja 250%, bonus if Cyclic Warrior 120%, mastery points for Agility > Intellect, Critical Break Damage Dealt, Critical: MP Recovery, a sprinkle of Critical: HP Recovery, and use the Enchant action prior to combat before attacking heavily. If using Lunatic command, consider Berserker 120% to assist with break gauge recovery. Focuses on max break gauge depletion via critical hits.

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    • Anonymous

      On the Thief: Treasure Hunter build, you can easily add in support for Steal / Instant Abilities and Critical Hits to become a dark horse for breaking enemies without relying on another job. Having AI or Invisible helps. Being a farming build anyway, it's obviously best against masses of trash mobs but it can be surprisingly effective against major bosses as well. Using Steal for 1 MP on average gives you the effect of 3 one-MP actions split among 3 instantly cast abilities, with some monster or boss instant abilities being much stronger than others. It probably helps to add in affinity on most Agility jobs like Assassin or Duelist.

      My current build is definitely not ideal, but with the gear I've farmed so far I've got a piece that gives me 290% Black Mage and Breaker affinity and it seems to help almost every build, though I don't know how the 250% bonus actually works for those jobs.

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